A four legged reptilian body with ornate and powerful leaflike wings, a long neck for foraging and a male or female human head, this migratory species has a diverse diet, including fish, insects, exotic mushrooms and flower pollens.

A Human Head with a Long Neck for Foraging
A Four-Legged Dinosaur Body
A Diverse Diet, Including Fish, Insects, Exotic Mushrooms and Flower Pollens
Language: the code of birds. (Which is kind of like the universal language of nature. Or, at least, a way in.)

They Excel at a Multiplicity of Languages (some
spoken, others not)
Rare & Reserved
A Treasure Chest of Mystical Knowledge
Egg Layers
Lucyopeterus are born as four-legged swimming dinosaur
reptiles. They grow wings around puberty
Are You a Lucyopterus?
Lucyopterus have a treasure chest of mystical knowledge.
Lucyopterus excel at a multiplicity of languages - some spoken, others not.
Lucyopterus hold council with the vast bird population they share the forest with.
Lucyopterus assist with maritime and airborne transportation and rescue.
Thanks to all the first responders for helping people in need.
If you answered yes to the above questions you may have an affinity with the Lucyopterus species of Morphodonia.