Guardians of what is considered “prehistoric technology”, Dinoteks work with a web of computers and machines that harbor vast quantities of technological tools and accompanying data.

A Dinosaur Head with a Human Body with Arms & Hands
Live in an Urban Setting
Get Cranky when Machines Don't Work
Language: the code of machines and keeping them functional (machines sometimes need counseling too - this is how the dinoteks slowly realize that reliance on machines may be a dysfunctional paradigm)

Have a Mission to Stewart a Crumbling Technological Infrastructure
Try to be Patient and Good Natured
Sardonic, Witty, & Stoic
Dinoteks are Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, and/or Sapiosexual with Highly-Selective Breeding
Are You a Dinotek?
Guardians of a crumbling technological and industrial infrastructure left from of a previous epoch, Dinoteks job is tending to a seemingly infinite number of tweaks, upgrades, bug fixes and general malfunctions of a system they don’t know how to shake.
Dinoteks reside solely in urban environments.
Dinoteks are periodically downright cranky regarding the maintenance their machines require.
Dinoteks tend to a seemingly infinite number of tweaks, upgrades, bug fixes and general malfunctions of a system they don’t know how to shake.
If you answered yes to the above questions you may have an affinity with the Dinotek species of Morphodonia.