Three art dolls in a gassy field with woman doll heads with big flower headdresses and dinosaur bodies
Morphodonia Species


The Beatrix genus, a hybridization of a bipedal dinosaur with a human head and wings, thrive on the rich continent of Mezotamia where they have established an extensive network of private gardens along with medium sized primary crops for export to Dinotekia.

Beatrix Art Dolls











Vintage toy dinosaur with vintage doll head and flower headdress. 11" tall by 9" long and 4" across.
Backside, Vintage toy dinosaur with vintage doll head and flower headdress. 11" tall by 9" long and 4" across.



About Beatrix

Agricultural Prowess

Straddling, wild and domesticated traits, proud and powerful; Beatrix's use their sturdy hind legs and sharp talons to dig rows for planting and clear irrigation ditches. In addition to their advanced agricultural prowess, they also live off the land for housing materials, fibers for adornment and comfort, roots and herbs for medicine. Highly resilient , they have excelled in their agrarian lifestyle to insure a steady supply of their herbivore diet.

Species Origin

Exact origin of the original Beatrix is uncertain but they are likely the missing link between the synthesis of dinosaur and human hybridization characterizing the realm of Morphodonia. This colorful bipedal has evolved wings for transport, both across Mezotamia as well as between the other continents, regularly bringing supplies, news and cultural developments, a link between all Morphodonians.


Part school teacher/ part diplomat Beatrixies play a vital role in language acquisition and transference, stabilizing communications to ensure harmony in the realm. Charismatic and gregarious, Beatrixie’s are known for their elaborate flower headdresses and harvest time dance parties. Grounded in resiliency and practicality and highly social, they celebrate their closeness to nature through these rituals of dance and gratitude.


Beatrixies are turned on by the bounty of their harvest and the vibrance of their community, a combination of forces that enhances fertility. Somewhere on the spectrum between Asexual and Skoliosexial with elements of Dendrophilia, they lay eggs via parthenogenesis such that in early spring such that their offspring can assist with fall harvest.

Beatrix Attributes

A Human Head with a Bipedal Dinosaur Body

A Herbivore Diet

An Agrarian Lifestyle

Language: the Code of Growing Things

Beatrix’s are known for their elaborate flower headdresses and harvest time dance parties

Vintage toy dinosaur with Madame Alexander doll head, "flapper style" hat and flame wings. 9" tall x 9" long x 5" wide
Beatrix Particulars

Charismatic & Gregarious - Highly Social

Vital Role in Language Acquisition & Transference

Spectrum of Asexual & Skiliosexual with elements of Dendrophilia

Beatrix grow wings around puberty.

Egg Layers

Are You a Beatrix?

Beatrix have an agrarian lifestyle to ensure they have food.

Beatrix’s are known for their elaborate flower headdresses.

eatrix’s are known for their harvest time dance parties. 

Beatrix grow their own food to ensure a steady supply of their herbivore diet.


If you answered yes to the above questions you may have an affinity with the Beatrix species of Morphodonia.